fredag 28 augusti 2009

The princess program.

Måste verkligen göra nåt åt min nuvarande fysik. Å vad passar då inte bättre än att leta upp min skräddarsydda, årsgamla diet.Jag försöker verkligen följa den å än så länge går det rätt bra, är ju bara inne på 3:dje dagen än så länge! HAHA
Kommer på mig själv att berätta det här för typ alla jag känner, jobbar med... Nu i bloggen. Mycket för att jag helt enkelt ska känna mer press. För ju fler som vet om det, desto större misslyckande om jag lägger av... låter det helt stört?
Nåja, slipper gå hungrig i allafall då det är mat mat mat hela tiden, å bara jag masar mig upp på morgonen går motionsbiten bra den med.
På tisdag är det vägningsdags i allafall, inte för att jag har så stora förväntningar på första veckan. vägde in på 92.5 (!!Nittiotvåkommafem!!) Då får vi väl se om det har gett nåt.

Här är mitt magiska program:
The Princess Program
Diet and Exercise Regimen to Loose 1 kilo per Week
•You must eat 150-180 grams of protein each day
•However much protein you eat, you must eat this many grams of carbs or less each day.
•That means that at the end of the day if you have eaten 180 grams of carbs and only 120 grams of protein, you will need to eat something with 60 grams of protein, like eggs or meat.
•If you keep carbs and protein even, fat usually comes along in an equal proportion and this is what you want. A perfect day would be 600 kcal each from protein (150g), carbs (150g), and fat (about 65g).
•If you do not eat more protein than carbs, your body stays in storage mode—you are giving it more energy than it needs, so it must store it, even if you exercise.
•If you do not eat at least 150 grams of protein each day, your body will adjust to the diet by slowing down your metabolism—it will stop working in about 4 weeks.
•Eat salad and vegetables with lunch and dinner
•Drink water, diet soda, green/black/red tea, coffee, etc.—no sugar in liquids, and no fruit juice.
•No white bread, white flour, cake, candy, soda, etc.
•The best rule to follow to pick food is to choose only foods with ONE ingredient: chicken, fish, milk, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, etc. Anything with more than six ingredients is probably not going to help you lose weight.
•In general you want the least processed foods, but you can cook and season them any way you like—it doesn’t need to be bland food.

Try to include as many of the “superfoods” as possible:
•Cultured dairy products
•Almonds and walnuts
•Flax seed and oil
•Omega-3 eggs
•Garlic, onions, peppers, ginger, cinnamon,
•Green tea
•Wheat germ

Here is a sample of a perfect day:
First thing AM: 1 fat burner with coffee or tea, water, ½ grapefruit
Breakfast:1 piece of fruit, apple is ideal, 180grams cottage cheese
Mid-morning:3 hard-boiled eggs,Celery and carrot sticks
Lunch: 1/3 cup rice (before cooking)180 grams tuna, chicken, etc,Large salad with 2 TBSP olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing, Cooked vegetables
Mid-Day:60 grams any nuts, preferably almonds or walnuts (NOT peanuts)
Dinner:Sweet potato, 180g Chicken, turkey, fish, beef, pork, etc, Large salad. Cooked vegetables

•For now your exercise program is simple: one to two hours of cardio every day of the week.
•If you miss a day, you can make up the hour the next day, but you can’t do this for more than one day.
•If you go two days without cardio your metabolism is definitely back to normal.
•Do weight training with your legs and back if you can before cardio
•In all your cardio, don’t try to go longer but go harder, higher resistance, more calories burned, etc.
•Do nothing at a steady pace. Either on your own or by using a program on the machine for hills or intervals, make sure that your heart rate is going up and down.
•Sprint at least one minute out of every five—go as hard and fast as you can for one minute—make sure that after the minute is over you have nothing left and you NEED to recover and let your heart rate come back down.
•Sprinting is what makes cardio effective fast—you must feel very uncomfortable every few minutes and then catch up, or else it will take a long time to show results.

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